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Essay Writing ServiceRACIAL PROFILINGRACIAL PROFILINGIntroductionRacial profiling is a common term used and recognized by majority of individuals all over the world. Children as well as young adults are made aware of the term early in their lives and are taught on how to handle issues relating to the subject. Racial profiling can be defined as a form of discrimination where one’s cultural background or race is used by the law enforcement in determining whether the person has broken the law or not (Orr & Mogren 2009). Unlike common belief where some individuals tend to think that this takes place in environments such as learning institutions or the workplace, racial profiling usually incorporates courts and the law enforcement in general (Carmen 2008).


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Many are the times when there have been reported incidences of police brutality against people of color or different ethnicity for instance Blacks and Hispanics. It is not a wonder that people tend to suggest or argue that racial profiling results in unjust harassment of minority groups (Kops 2006). However, there are also those individuals who do not oppose racial profiling arguing that it helps keep the bad guys away. They also argue that recent criminal statistics tend to have Blacks and Hispanics as the majority, compared to their white counterparts (Orr & Mogren 2009). Therefore racial profiling is considered a favor to the American community as a whole. Such individuals forget or ignore the fact that the same statistics indicate that minority law enforcers on average arrest the same number of minority drivers as their white law enforcement counterparts do (Carmen 2008).EssayRacial profiling is wrong and has been observed to leave a huge effect in America as far as hate crime and guilt is concerned. Most incidences are reported in traffic stops where the issue has given rise to a number of debates in the recent past (Kops 2006). Little has been done to deal with the vice that is rapidly taking root in the American society.

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However, people are trying to find out the root cause of racial profiling. Racial profiling first caught the attention of the American people in early 1960’s where its causes was broadcasted by the media. These causes were categorized into two main groups, that is, those who stereotype others and the mis-educated (Carmen 2008). It is argued that while stereotypes tend to make a statement or a claim against civic organizations or individuals of the minority groups, mis-educated individuals tend to be more vulnerable where crime is concerned due to their status (Kops 2006). Since majority of the offenders or the accused are not well educated, they cannot therefore render logic reasons as to why they acted or behaved the way they did. It is however not uncommon to realize that some of the stereotypes in existence emerge from the mis-educated groups (Orr & Mogren 2009).In any given society, law enforcement is responsible for protecting law abiding citizens from criminals as well as would-be criminals (Carmen 2008) :
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A problem arises when such authority encourages racial profiling. This communicates to the whites that they are law abiding while those of the minority groups, especially Blacks and Hispanics, are automatically considered to be criminals (Kops 2006). If for instance a white individual would commit a crime and pin it on an individual of the minority group, it would be easier for law enforcement to believe the white person than the latter. Yes, it is true according to statistics that majority of crimes are committed by people from minority groups. But this does not exempt the whites from crimes committed in the American society. Additionally, those from the minority groups are more likely to be searched by law enforcers and considered not to be law abiding as compared to their white counterparts (Orr & Mogren 2009). One of the many reasons as to why racial profiling is wrong is because it tends to isolate individuals of the minority groups.

00:54:21 16 April 2016 Permanente link Reacties (0)

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What is “use as a trade mark” Question (Trade Marks) What is “use as a trade mark”? Discuss critically by reference to recent cases what constitutes use as a trade mark. How does the requirement of use as a trade mark intersect with the requirement that a trade mark be distinctive (or capable of being so) pursuant to section 41 of the Trade Marks Act 1995?Instruction– The answer should be divided in 2 parts1. What is “use as a trade mark”? Discuss critically by reference to recent cases what constitutes use as a trade mark2. How does the requirement of use as a trade mark intersect with the requirement that a trade mark be distinctive (or capable of being so) pursuant to section 41 of the?The answer must discuss critically, give argument (not only give description)– Use newest case in Australia for discuss critically (suggest use case in 2011-2012)– For discuss case should cover.

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Do you agreeor disagree with judgement in this case? Why? Find another case or journal article to support your opinion-Have any other cases oppose this case in the similar issue?– Every information you write if use from legislation should refer to refer to section in Trade marks Act 1995 Australia (such as definition of use as a trade mark, trade mark must be distinctive etc).– everything you write should have references and add the references in the footnote. Some of the common risks and manifestations of functional decline have been identified as reduced mobility, FALLS, malnutrition, incontinece, altered cognition, medication effects and pressure injury (kresevic, 2008)Define the term ‘functional decline’ and critically dicsuss how the registered nurse can minimise functional decline in the older person admitted to the acute care setting by implementing nursing strageiesthat address ONE of the risks identified above. I need 10-15 references pleaseAttached i have the start of the assignment, so happy for you to either start fresh or work with what i have already provided.Subject Name. Nursing Management of the Older PersonFunctional decline is defines as;When looking at the functional decline of an elderly person, there are many factors that play apart of the deteriortation process :  

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Deterioration occurs both mentally and physically. Fall are a common occurance worldwide in the elderly and can have ‘several adverse consequences, such as physical injuries and physcholocal distress, leading to decreased functioning and quality of life’ (Marike, Hendriks, Michel, 2008)Healthy ageing describes ‘ the ongoing activities and bahaviours you undertake to reduce the risk of illness and disease and increase your physical, emotional and mental health.’ This can be combated with some ‘basic lifestyle realignment’ that can result in a ‘faster and more enduring recovery’ ( Falls risk is just one manifestation of functional decline and can obstruct the repair process within the elderly. Nurses play apart in the prevention and interventions put in place to reduce the risk of these manifestations occurring.There are a number of factors that contribute to falling; including osteoporisis, lack of physical activity, impaired vision, medications, environmental factors and impaired cognition. Not one of these factors is solely to blame but a combination of them together will increase the chances of a fall occurring.

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“Outcomes from falls, such as injuryand/or functional decline, typically strike those patients older than 85years and can be prevented’. (Boltz, Capezuti, Fulmer. Pg 286, 2012) As a nurse our aim is to help prevent falls by reducing those risk factors. Multidisciplinary teams would be recruited to work on the physical side of things, aids such as glasses would be implemented, and environmental factors such as tricky environmental factors would be worked on both with social workers and the nursing staff.1. Select an HRM issue/topic which is currently receiving attention, review the literature on this and prepare an overview of the topic which covers the following: Introduction to the topico attached the units notes.LITERATURE REVIEW SUBMISSIONInstructionsPlease ensure you reference any materials you use to complete this assignment.

00:28:00 16 April 2016 Permanente link Reacties (0)

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